Soap Making Made Easy 2nd edition

(Ben Green) #1

Packaging and Presentation

Once your soap is completed, you’ll want to package it to reflect the care, effort
and pride that you put into your product. Hand-made soap is more expensive than
mass-produced brands, and with good reason; the ingredients are of a higher quality,
the results are superior, and it takes longer to make. However, to compete with the
mass-produced soaps, your packaging needs to reflect all of the reasons that spending
the extra money on your soap is worthwhile to the buyer.

With each soap, you’ll want to include a tag with your company’s logo, name and
contact information (or just your own), as well as a detailed list of ingredients in the
soap, the properties of the herbs or oils contained within it, et cetera. You want to
convince the buyer to purchase your soap for the first time, and provide them with
enough information to purchase from you again if they like your product. You can
have tags printed for you, if you want to make them really fancy, but it is just as easy
(and much cheaper) to make them at home. Buy white or colored card stock (stiff,
heavy-weight printing paper) at any office supply store, and print your logo or text in
a repeating grid pattern on the page. Cut them with straight scissors, or, to make
interesting patterns, use fabric scissors to make just about any shape you’d like. Use a

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