Chris Nelson. Master Guide for Glamour Photography: Digital Techniques and Images. 2007

(C. Jardin) #1

After that, she’ll get pregnant. That’s a milestone that requires artistic
documentation. After her child is born, she’ll want photos of the newborn.
Soon, she’ll be calling for her first family session—and there will be one every
five years or so after that. And, of course, she’ll probably have more kids.
While she might have been strapped for cash at twenty-two or twenty-
three, guess who’s making a lot of the two-income decisions now? Soon, ex-
pect another glamour session just to reaffirm that she still looks good after
having kids.
You get the idea. That glamour session can actually turn into a twenty-
year (or longer) business relationship—and, let’s face it, the opportunity for
a new and lasting friendship. A glamour session that inspires trust and makes
your client feel good about herself is a great entry point into someone’s life.

For her 2007 calendar theme, Rita chose out-
door sports—here, hunting and fishing. Rita
has done a calendar session in each of the last
four years. I wish I had more clients like her.
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