Chris Nelson. Master Guide for Glamour Photography: Digital Techniques and Images. 2007

(C. Jardin) #1

Keep in mind that the choice of clothing doesn’t determine this. The
subject could be fully clothed or nude. If it’s a full-length image, a beauty
shot could be posed and lit to show off an hourglass figure (usually short lit
to emphasize the roundness of the subject’s breasts and hips with the head
tipped toward her high shoulder). If the image is a head-and-shoulders shot,
the head is usually tipped to the high shoulder, emphasizing the eyes, lips, fa-
cial structure, and hair.


TOP LEFT—Beauty headshots typically show-
case the subject’s eyes, lips, facial structure,
and hair. ABOVE AND LEFT—Even in more re-
vealing garb, beauty images communicate a
sense of elegance.
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