Chris Nelson. Master Guide for Glamour Photography: Digital Techniques and Images. 2007

(C. Jardin) #1
light. You’ll want to experiment with these modes to get the look
you want. For further control, adjust the opacity of the effect. The
lower the opacity, the more of the original image will show
through. Again, you’ll have to experiment to find the look you

Porcelain Skin.To create an effect I call porcelain skin, I use Photoshop’s
blur filters. I often use digital glow and porcelain skin together, but you don’t
have to.

  1. Go to Layer > Duplicate Layer.

  2. Go to Filters> Diffuse Glow. Set the sliders as you like (I choose
    the following: grain—0 or 1; glow amount—8 to 10; clear
    amount—8 to 15).

  3. Go to Fade > Diffuse Glow. From the mode drop-down menu,
    select Hard Light. Then, reduce the opacity to 70 percent (more
    or less is fine).

  4. Go to Filters > Blur > Smart Blur. In the dialog box, set the radius
    at 5 to 7, the threshold at 25, and the quality to medium.


ABOVE—Here’s a portrait of Ilicia. The inset is
the original; the large image has gone through
the Diffuse Glow process.

Smart Blur adds softness while trying to pre-
serve the sharpness of edges.

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