Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

that they then had to arrange for protectors prior to their entering the city;
Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 167 f; Ibn Sa`d, Classes, vol. 1, 1, p. 238.

[180] See Appendix D, p. 372.

[181] Tabari, History, vol. 3, p. 145.

[182] See Appendix D, p. 372.

[183] Speyer, Erzählungen, pp. 383 f; see Appendix D, p. 373.

[184] See Appendix D, p. 373.

[185] See Appendix D, p. 373.

[186] It is generally not known who was meant, and Muslim
commentators have made a number of proposals; see p. 374, below, and
SEI, pp. 76 f.

[187] Based on the text of Qur'an 6:84f, Bell (Origins, p. 129) and
Horovitz (Untersuchungen, pp. 91 f) show that Muhammad only gradually
came to realize who Ishmael was. However, this defect is already found in
38:45, 48, and 21:72, 85, both which probably predate the 6:84f passage.

[188] Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 1, p. 131.

[189] See n. 88, above.

[190] Jeffery, Vocabulary, Job - pp. 73 f; David - pp. 127 f; Solomon -
p. 178.

[191] Ibid. pp. 268 f. The term means "word" in Syriac, but Muhammad
uses it more in the sense of "way." This expression is used figuratively for
"religion" in both languages.

[192] See Appendix F, p. 410.

[193] Guillaume, Muhammad, p. 192.

[194] See Appendix D, p. 374.

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