Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Muhammad: The Hijra

[3] The battle of Bu`ath, between the Aws and the Khazraj, is said to have
taken place shortly after this delegation returned to Medina.

[4] Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 1, p. 143.

[5] Ibid., p. 144.

[6] Cf. e.g. Campbell, The Qur'an and the Bible, pp. 177f.

[7] Geiger, WMJA, p. 72, references Hagigah 16 and Taanit 11; cf. Qur'an

[8] Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 1, pp. 144 f; Guillaume, Muhammad,
pp. 132 f.

[9] Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 1, p. 145.

[10] » ̃Ãzƒ.

[11] Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 197 f; Ibn Sad, Classes, vol. 1, 1, pp. 250 f; Tabari, History, vol. 6, pp. 124 f. The number of those who converted is given as one, two, six or eight in traditions known to Ibn Sad.

[12] Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 197 f; Tabari, History, vol. 6, pp. 124 f.

[13] Guillaume, Muhammad, p. 198; Ibn Sad, Classes, vol. 1, 1, p. 253; Tabari, History, vol. 6, pp. 125 f. Ibn Sad reports that the first mosque
(place of prayer) in Medina was that of the Banu Zurayq.

[14] Ten of these are said to have from the Khazraj and two from the Aws;
Ibn Sa`d, Classes, vol. 1, 1, p. 254.

[15] Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 198 f; Ibn Sa`d, Classes, vol. 1, 1,
pp. 254 f; Tabari, History, vol. 6, pp. 126 f.

[16] Guillaume, Muhammad, p. 199; Ibn Sa`d, Classes, vol. 1, 1, p. 255;
Tabari, History, vol. 6, p. 127. Ibn Hisham's report contains the
anachronisms of placing the institution of the Friday prayers (as a heading)
and the call to prayer in this time period.

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