Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Muhammad: The Hijra

[91] See Appendix D, p. 378.

[92] See Appendix D, p. 378.

[93] These stories are also similar to those found in sura 26.

[94] See p. 89, above.

[95] Cf. Gen. 19f.

[96] It is thought that Muhammad may have tried to identify Shu`ayb with
Jethro from the Bible, as he is shown among the people of Madyan
(Midian) in the suras of this period; cf. Horovitz, Untersuchung, pp. 119 f;
SEI, p. 544.

[97] Sura 26 Sura 11

Moses Noah
Abraham Hud
Noah Salih
Hud Abraham
Salih Lot
Lot Shu`ayb
(Shu`ayb) Moses

[98] See p. 105, above.

[99] See p. 106, above.

[100] See pp. 103, 106, above.

[101] Speyer, Erzählungen, p. 458, also references the Talmud, Avot 3,22.

[102] See p. 199, below.

[103] See Appendix D, pp. 378 f.

[104] In Wellhausen, Medina, p. 349, Waqidi gives a tradition reporting
that a certain Ethiopian Jewish slave named Jabr became a Muslim as a
result of hearing sura 12 prior to the emigration to Medina. See also

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