Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Muhammad: Break with the Jews

it seems more likely that this practice was actually first instituted after the
raid on the Banu Qaynuqa. The booty from the battle of Badr w^184 as divided
equally among the Muslims on the way back to Medina, and each^185186 man
was said to have received either a camel with riding equipment, two camels
or a couple of leather blankets. Islamic reports show that t^187 here were
serious disagreements about the division of the spoils, until Qur'an 8 was

Muhammad returned to Medina shortly after his daughter Ruqayya, the
wife of Uthman b.Affan, was buried. Some of the prisoners^189 had been
killed, some died, some taught the boys of the Ansar to write (^190 in return
for their freedom), and others were ransomed. Among those who^191 were to
be ransomed was Abu'l-As, the husband of Muhammad's daughter Zaynab. When Zaynab sent a ransom for her husband, Muhammad noticed a necklace of Khadija which was sent. Muhammad then decided to return the ransom and set Abu'l-As free, on the condition that Zaynab be allowed to
come to Medina. Abu'l-`As later became a Muslim and was reunited with
his wife in Medina.^192

Qur'an 8Qur'an 8Qur'an 8Qur'an 8 opens with the reply to a question about the spoils, in which the
booty is declared to belong to God and Muhammad (v. 1). Further, the
believers are instructed to fear God and obey God and Muhammad (v. 1).^193
In the vv. 2f, believers are described as having hearts which fear when
Allah's name is mentioned, being those whose faith grows when they hear
God's signs, who trust God, observe prayer and give alms. The vv. 5f are
about Muhammad's ministry leading up to the battle of Badr, in which the
Meccans are shown to have argued with Muhammad about the truth (v. 6).
In v. 7 the Muslims are described as having actually wanted to raid a
relatively unprotected caravan, but that God wanted to confirm the truth in
having them confront the larger relief force (cf. v. 45). The v. 9 states that
1000 angels helped the Muslims at Badr, and this disagrees with Qur'an
3:119f, where they are said to have been 3000. The rain befor^194 e the battle
of Badr is spiritualized in v. 11. The vv. 15f speak of Hell for those who
turned from the fight, and the vv. 17f say that it was God who fought. The
v. 20 commands obedience to God and Muhammad, and the vv. 21f
encourage the believers not to be as those who say they hear, but actually
do not. The vv. 24f essentially reiterate the command for obedience, and the
vv. 27f admonish those who believe not to deceive God and Muhammad.
The vv. 30f speak of the plans of the unbelievers to capture, murder or exile
Muhammad, and the vv. 32f explain that the proclaimed "punishment"

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