Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

(judgment) did not take place earlier, since Muhammad was living among
the pagans then. In the vv. 35f the prayers of the unbelievers at the Ka`ba
are described as being worthless, and the unbelievers are said to have
attempted to seduce some from "God's way." The vv. 37f condemns the
unbelievers to Hell, and v. 40 gives a call to fight against them. The v. 42
declares that one-fifth of the spoils belong to God, Muhammad, his
relatives, orphans, the poor and traveler. The vv. 43f are again concerned
with the battle of Badr, and v. 45 describes Allah as having given
Muhammad a false vision about the size of the enemy forces, so^195 that the
Muslims would not have lost their courage. The v. 48 again commands
obedience to God and Muhammad, and the vv. 49f return to the subject of
Badr, describing the influence of Satan and the hypocrites. In the vv. 54f
the unbelievers are compared with Pharaoh's people, and in the vv. 57f
unbelievers are described and prisoners are mentioned. The v. 60 instructs
Muhammad on how to deal with traitors, and the vv. 61f give another call
to war against the unbelievers. The vv. 68f reveal Muhammad's initial
intention of killing all of the prisoners from Badr, and the vv. 71f show that
the prisoners were to be called on to become Muslims. The v. 73 seems to
refer to the bonding of the emigrants to the Ansar, and v. 74 de^196 scribes
unbelievers as being relatives of one another. In v. 75 the Muslims who
emigrated, fought in "Allah's way," those who provided lodging and gave
help are said to deserve forgiveness and generous provision. The v. 76
states that those who believed later, emigrated and fought were also of the
other Muslims. The v. 24 of this sura is remotely similar to I Jn 3:20 and v.
67 is reminiscent of Lev. 26:8. Some Islamic sources claim tha^197 t Qur'an 9
was originally part of this sura, but based on the obviously vastly different
times of composition for these suras, Western Qur'an scholars generally do
not accept this theory.^198

Qur'an 74:31-34Qur'an 74:31-34Qur'an 74:31-34Qur'an 74:31-34 could have been composed in this period, possibly after
Muhammad had once recited the preceding verses (74:1-30) and the
unbelievers and hypocrites had made remarks about them (cf. v. 32). The v.
31 says that (the number of) the angels guarding Hell was a sign (cf. 8:52)
and mentions the increase of the believers' faith (cf. 8:2). The v. 34 states
that only God knows about His host, or forces (cf. 8:9; 3:120f).

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