Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Muhammad: Break with the Jews

Sura 47Sura 47Sura 47Sura 47 begins in condemnation of unbelievers who seduce others from
Allah's way (v. 1), and v. 2 states that those who practice good and believe
what was sent down to Muhammad will have their transgressions covered.
The v.4 says that unbelievers are to be killed, and the vv. 5f speak of
Paradise for martyrs. The v. 8 declares that God helps those who help Him,
the vv. 9f tell about unbelievers, and v. 11 refers to the punishments of
previous peoples. The v. 13 speaks about believers and Paradise, and v. 14
again alludes to the punishments of previous peoples. The vv. 16f contrast
the alleged rivers of water, milk, wine and honey to the boilin^199 g water
which is said to be drunk in Hell. The v. 18 appears to show that Jews
attempted to dissuade others from following Muhammad, and v. 19 speaks
of those who are said to be guided. The v. 21 shows that Muhammad was
commanded to pray for forgiveness for his own sins, along with the sins of
others (cf. 40:57; 110:1f). The vv. 22f speak of those who did not want to
fight (the hypocrites), and v. 34 mentions those who seduce ot^200 hers from
Allah's way. The v. 35 commands obedience to God and Muhammad, and
v. 36 states that there will be no forgiveness of sins for those who die as
unbelievers. The v. 37 instructs Muhammad not to seek peace with the
Meccans, v. 38 speaks of earthly life and v. 40 solicits contributions for the
armed conflict and appears to refer to a reply of the Jews in this matter.^201

During the last five days of Ramadan in 2 AH, the blind Umayr b.Adi
murdered the poetess `Asthma bt. Marwan at home in her sleep, because
she had allegedly reviled Islam in verse.^202

In the 20th month after the Hijra, Salim b. Umayr murdered the 120 year-old AbuAfak in his sleep. He was a Jew who had composed poetry
against Muhammad.^203

In the same month, on a Sabbath day, the expedition against the Medinan
Jewish Banu Qaynuqa began. Although many traditions depict the Jews as
having broken the covenant with Muhammad, it is fairly clear from the
references to Qur'an 8:60 in these accounts, along with the testimony of
another hadith, that Muhammad broke his covenant with them^204. The^205
Jews, who were in their fortresses, were besieged for 15 days and
surrendered without offering any resistance. At first, Muhammad wanted to
have them excuted, but after `Abdullah b. Ubayy interceded, Muhammad
decided to have them exiled from Medina. Under the terms of the
agreement, the Banu Qaynuqa abandoned their property and goods, which

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