Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam
selling it (cf. Qur'an 2:73). The vv. 187f relate of God's witness in Creation,
the prayer, which begins in v. 188b includes the request for forgiveness
(v. 191). The v. 194 speaks of Paradise for those who emigrated, were
driven out of their houses and suffered and died in Allah's way. The vv.
196f show that Muhammad was not to be troubled by unbelievers, for they
are bound for Hell, and v. 197 says that those who fear God will go to
Paradise. The vv. 198f show that the believers among the People of the
Book (who do not sell God's Word) will go to Paradise, and v. 200 exhorts
believers to be patient. The Arabic word for "myriads" (v. 143) seems to
have come from Syriac. Many of the verses of this sura are at le^246 ast
remotely similar to Bible passages, and^247 Sira traditions relate that more
than a few verses of this section (vv. 112f) were composed with respect to
and after the battle of Uhud. A Christian scribe of Muhammad^248 (from the
Banu Najjar), who is said to have recited Qur'an 2 and 3, is reported to have
reverted (to Christianity).^249
Qur'an 61Qur'an 61Qur'an 61Qur'an 61 begins in praise of God (v. 1). The vv. 2f make an allusion to
hypocrites, whom Allah hates, and speaks of believers who fight (in ranks)
in "Allah's way" as being loved by Allah. In v. 5 it appears th^250 at
Muhammad is compared to Moses, and v. 6 makes the claim that Jesus,
who confirmed the Torah, had told the children of Israel about the advent of
a prophet named Ahmad (Muhammad). The v. 6 goes on to say that^251
although this prophet (most probably Muhammad) had come to them with
"clear signs," they (the Jews) had rejected him. The vv. 7f maintain that
God provides for victory over other religions, and the vv. 10f claim
Paradise for those who fight in Allah's way. The v. 13 may refer to the
victory over the Banu Nadir, and v. 14 calls for those who bel^252 ieve to be
Allah's helpers as Jesus' disciples were (cf. Qur'an 3:45).
Sura 57Sura 57Sura 57Sura 57 also opens in praise of God (vv. 1f), and the vv. 7f give a command
to believe Allah and Muhammad. The vv. 12f show that believers will go to
Paradise and the unbelievers to Hell, and the vv. 15f