Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Pre-Islamic Arabia

Qur'an (3:30f; 19:48f, etc.). See Andrae, Ursprung, p. 204; Mohammed,
pp. 105 f; Bell, Origin, p. 20.

[10] Enzyklopedia des Islams, s.v. "Nasara"; Buhl, Muhammeds, p. 64;
Jahiz in ECMD, p. 702.

[11] Enzyklopedia des Islams, s.v. "Nasara"; Jahiz in ECMD, p. 702.

[12] Enzyklopedia des Islams, s.v. "Nasara"; Buhl, Muhammeds, p. 64.

[13] Andrae, Ursprung, p. 31; Guillaume, Muhammad, p. 607.

[14] Shahid, Byzantium and the Arabs of the Fifth Century, p. 359; Guil-
laume, Islam, p. 13; Enzyklopedia des Islams, s.v. "Nasara".

[15] SEI, p. 440.

[16] EI², s.v. "Ghassan".

[17] SEI, p. 440; Bell Origin, p. 26.

[18] Andrae, Ursprung, p. 25.

[19] SEI, p. 440.

[20] Some think that Christianity was brought to Yemen through its
commercial ties with al-Hira before Persian control. Others maintain that
Yemen came under Christian influence from Abyssinia; see Andrae,
Ursprung, p. 8.

[21] This is also reported by the pre-Islamic Lakhmid Christian poet `Adi
b. Zayd (c. 587 AD). Buhl, Muhammeds, p. 6; Andrae, Ursprung, p. 26;
SEI, p. 440; Margoliouth, Relations, p. 73.

[22] Jeffery, Vocabulary, p. 21.

[23] Ibid. p. 14.

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