Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Victory and Death

During the 35th month after the Hijra, 150 Muslims under Abu Salama
were sent to Qatan to confront the Banu Asad, who were allegedly planning
to attack them. When the Muslims arrived, they only found three shepherds
and some camels and sheep, which they captured and brought back to
Medina. Abu Salama died on the return journey, from wounds which he
had sustained at Uhud.^1

Also in the 35th month after the Hijra, Abdullah b.Unays was sent out to
kill Sufyan b. Khalid, who was said to have been planning to attack the
Muslims. `Abdullah later brought Sufyan's head to Muhammad.^2

In the 36th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent 70 Ansar Qur'a^3 n
reciters with Abu Bara to present Islam to his people. A messenger was sent
out in advance with a letter, and when he reached Amir b. al-Tufayl, the latter had him killed. Together with allies from among theUsayya and
Ril,Amir and his forces backtracked the Muslim messenge^4 r's trail and
attacked the Muslims at Bi'r Ma`una. Only one Muslim escaped death to
return and tell Muhammad of the attack.^5

Muhammad is reported to have been very grieved by the deaths of his
reciters, and an allegedly abrogated Qur'an verse is said to have been
revealed concerning this defeat.^6

Also during the 36th month after the Hijra, some of the Adal and al-Qara requested that Muhammad send some Muslims to teach them the Q^7 ur'an and the laws of Islam. They were betrayed at al-Raji, where all but three
Muslims were killed by the Hudhayl. Of the remaining Muslims (all of
whom were taken prisoner), one was killed while trying to escape, and the
other two were sold to the Meccans, who had them executed.^8

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