Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Muhammad: Victory and Death

the "jizya." `Abdulrahman married a daughter of al-Asbagh and returned to

Also in the 66th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent out Ali b. Abu Talib with 100 men to raid the Banu Sad b. Bakr at Fadak. The Banu Sa`d
is said to have conspired with the Jews of Khaybar and was reportedly
planning to attack the Muslims. Along the way, the Muslims captured a
man, who on the promise of freedom, showed them where the herds of
camels and sheep were. The Muslims attacked and seized 500 camels and
2000 sheep.^96

In the 67th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Zayd b. Haritha at the
head of a Muslim caravan to Syria. Not far from Wadi al-Qura, some of the
Banu Badr seized the caravan and beat Zayd. Zayd returned to Muhammad,
who then sent him out to attack the Banu Badr. The Muslims captured the
elderly Umm Qirfa with her daughter and killed the former by binding her
legs to two camels, which were then driven in opposite directions. The
daughter was later married off to a Muslim.^97

During the 68th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent `Abdullah b.
Ruwaha and 30 Muslims to murder Usayr b. Rizam, the newly-selected
leader of the Jews at Khaybar. It is said that he had been planning to attack
Muhammad. After Usayr was told that Muhammad wanted to appoint him
as the ruler of Khaybar, he left for Medina with 30 Jewish escorts who also
rode double on the camels of the Muslims. Along the way, the Muslims
killed all of the Jews except for one who escaped. The Muslims are said not
to have had any losses.^98

Also in the 68th month after the Hijra, eight men of the `Urayna who had
accepted Islam were given permission to drink from some of Muhammad's
milch camels until they recovered from their illnesses. Once in good health,
however, they killed one of Muhammad's shepherds and took the^99 15 milch
camels. Muhammad sent Kura b. Jabir and 20 horsemen to pursue them. All
eight were captured and brought back to Medina, where Muhammad had
their hands and feet cut off, gouged out their eyes and crucifi^100 ed them.
Qur'an 5:37 is said to have been revealed on this occasion.^101

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