Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

The Qur'an

[16] For biographical information see: Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5, pp. 71 f;
Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, pp. 1311 f; Ibn Sa`d, Classes, vol. 2, 2, pp. 441 f;
Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, p. 28.

[17] For biographical information see: Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5, pp. 96 f;
Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, pp. 1313 f; Ibn Sa`d, Classes, vol. 2, 2, pp. 440 f;
Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, p. 28.

[18] See Jeffery, Materials, pp. 20 f; Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, pp. 39 f; Berg-
strässer, GQ, vol. 3, pp. 60 f; Dodge, Fihrist, vol. 1, pp. 53 f. Cf. Watt and
Bell, Introduction, pp. 45 f.

[19] Sahih Bukhari, vol. 6, p. 472; Suyuti, El-Itkan, vol. 1, pp. 153, 188;
Jeffery, Materials, p. 21.

[20] See Jeffery, Materials, pp. 114 f; Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, pp. 30 f; Berg-
strässer, GQ, vol. 3, pp. 83 f; Dodge, Fihrist, vol. 1, pp. 58 f.

[21] Suyuti, El-Itkan, vol. 1, pp. 153 f; Jeffery, Materials, pp. 180 f;
Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, pp. 34 f.

[22] Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, p. 49.Sahih Bukhari, vol. 6, pp. 477 f; vol. 9,
pp. 228 f; Dodge, Fihrist, vol. 1, pp. 47 f; Suyuti, El-Itkan, vol. 1, pp. 137 f;
Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, pp. 11 f; Watt and Bell, Introduction,
pp. 40 f; Watt, Religionen, pp. 176 f.

[23] Sahih Bukhari, vol. 6, pp. 478 f; Dodge, Fihrist, vol. 1, pp. 48 f;
Suyuti, El-Itkan, vol. 1, pp. 141 f; Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, pp.
47 f; Watt and Bell, Introduction, pp. 42 f; Watt, Religionen, pp. 178 f.

[24] Cf. Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, pp. 50 f.

[25] Cf. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 4, p. 521; vol. 9, p. 345.

[26] Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 2, pp. 49 f; Watt, Religionen, p. 179.

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