Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


from Ibn Hisham - Ibn Sa`d - Al-Tabari - Waqidi

H - Ibn Hisham, first the page numbers for The Life of Muhammad, ed. and
trans. Guillaume, are given, followed by the page numbers for the edition of
Wüstenfeld (as shown by Guillaume). The reference NL is for New Light
on the Life of Muhammad, ed. and trans. Guillaume. The page numbers
from this work are followed by the references for the manuscript Guillaume

S - Ibn Sa`d, the page numbers for Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, ed. and trans.
Haq, are given, followed by the page numbers for the edition of Sachau, et
al. (as given by Haq).

T - Al-Tabari, the first page numbers given are those for The History of
al-Tabari, ed. and trans. Yar-Shater, et al. These are followed by the page
numbers for the edition of de Goeje, et al. (as given by the translation, Buhl
in Muhammeds and the text itself).

W - Al-Waqidi, the first page numbers are for the abridged edition
Muhammad in Medina, trans. Wellhausen, followed by references for the
manuscript he used. The numbers directly below these references
correspond to the volume and page numbers in Kitab al-Maghazi, ed. Jones.

Event H S(I,1) T (VI) W

Genealogy of Muhammad 3 50(28) 38f(1113f)

The story of Abdullah 68f(100f) 101f(58f) 6(1078f) b.Abdu'l-Muttalib's
marriage to Amina and the
story about the soothsayer

The pregnancy of Amina 106f(60f)

`Abdullah dies 69(102) 107f(61f)

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