Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

H S(I,1) T(VI) W

Muhammad called 121(171) 101(1185)
a kahin, possessed 135f(191)
or a poet

Muhammad kisses 131(183) 101(1185)
the black stone

Abu Bakr protects 131(184) 102(1186)

Hamza becomes a 131f(184f) 103f(1187f)
Muslim (p. 51)

The Quraysh try to 133f(187f) 106f(1191)
dissuade Muhammad

Muhammad is 134(189)
accused of being
taught by al-Rahman
in al-Yamama

Al-Nadr b. al-Harith 136(191)

Muhammad is said to 136(192)
tell the fairy tales
of the ancients
(Q 68:15)

Al-Nadr goes to the 136(192)
Jews.Three questions
to ask Muhammad:
the young men who
disappeared, the
traveller who reached
East and West, what
is spirit?

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