Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

H S(I,1) T(VI) W

Muhammad prayed 157f(228)
facing Syria

The Satanic verses NL 38f(56b) 237f(137f) 107f(1192f)

The boycott 159f(230f) 240f(139) 105f(1189f)
(p. 91) NL 34f(49a-)

Those from 167f(241f) 238(138f)
Abyssinia reach the NL 39(56b-)
outskirts of Mecca
before finding out the
verses were revoked

The persecution of 161f(233f)

`Ali worked for a Jew NL 43(62a)
in Mecca temporarily

Al-Nadr accuses 162f(235)
Muhammad again
(Q 83:13)

`Abdullah speaks words 163(236f)
similar to Q 9:30

Protectors 169f(243f)

Boycott ended 172f(247f) 242(140) 112f(1196f)

Al-Tufayl accepts 175f(252f)

Muhammad wrestles 178f(259)
with Rukana; a tree NL 57(86b-)
comes and returns at
Muhammad's command

Second hijra to 239f(138f)

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