Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

H S(I,1) T(VI) W

Muhammad preaches to 194f(282f) 249f(145f) 120f(1204f)
the Arab tribes

Some of the Khazraj 197f(286f) 250f(145f) 124f(1209f)
become Muslims

First pledge of 198f(288f) 254f(147f) 126f(1211f)
`Aqaba (p. 141)

The prayers in Medina 199f(290f) 252(146)

Second pledge of 201f(293f) 255f(148f) 130f(1217f)

Command to fight 212f(313f) 139(1227)

Hijra to Medina 213f(314f) 261f(152f) 139f(1227f)

Muhammad's hijra 221f(323f) 263f(153f) 140f(1229f)

--- 1 AH --

H S (I,2) T (VII) W

First Friday prayers 228(335) 1f(1256f)
in Medina held in a
wadi of the Banu Salim

Muhammad's first 230f(340f) 2f(1257f)

Mosque built in Medina 228(337) 280f(2f) 5(1259f)

The constitution 231f(341f)
governing Muslims,
Medinans and Jews

Bonding of emigrants 234f(344f) 278f(1f)
and helpers

Abu Umama dies 235(346) 5f(1260f)

Call to prayer 235(346f) 290f(7f)

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