Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam



110 59 24 98 110 58 58

24 110 22 62 24 22 22

22 24 63 32 22 48 48

63 22 58 63 63 66 66

58 63 49 58 58 60 60


49 58 66 49 49 110 110

66 49 62 66 66 49 49

62 66 64 64 61 9 9

64 61 61 61 62 5 5

61 62 48 5 64


48 64 5 9 48

5 48 9 110^8 9

9 6 9 7 56 5 9




[1] Suyuti, El-Itkan, p. 5, leaves off sura 68, whereas Sell, Development,
p. 203 shows sura 68 as being listed in this order by Suyuti.

[2] Suyuti, El-Itkan, p. 4 lists sura 24 here; it should no doubt be sura 68.

[3] Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, p. 61, appear to have accidently left out
sura 109 in their quotation of the Fihrist; both Flügel's edition (vol. 1, p. 25)
and the translation of Dodge (vol. 1, p. 50) show this sura at this position.

[4] Welch in EI², s.v. "Kur'an," p. 416, apparently overlooked this sura,
which is listed in this position by Blachère. Welch (Ibid.) also shows 74
(7-55), but Blachère gives 74 (8-55), as presented above.

[5] Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, p. 61, give sura 90 at this position (which
then presents sura 90 twice in the listing). The Arabic and the translation of
Dodge (p. 52) show sura 69 at this position.

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