Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix B

[6] The suras 1, 72 and 79 are missing in this listing.

[7] The suras 1, 7, 10, 19, 44, 76, 82 and 102 are missing in this listing,
and sura 35 appears twice.

[8] The suras 1, 33 and 38 are missing; the sura 7 appears twice.

[9] The suras 1 and 47 are missing; the sura 54 is listed twice.


(taken from Suyuti, El-Itkan, vol. 1, pp. 1-26)

Mecca: Generally addresses to "O people" (except for suras 2, 3
and 13) or "O children of Adam."
Suras mentioning the names of past peoples tribes
Suras with the mysterious letters (except for sura 2)
Suras containing the stories of Adam and Iblis (except for
sura 2)
Suras containing the narrations of the prophets
Suras containing "sajda" verses

Medina: Generally addresses to "O believers" or "hypocrites"
Suras with regulations

Muslims also used traditions' accounts of sura orderings and also
recognized that some verses revealed in Mecca had been inserted into
Medinan suras and vice versa. Some scholars even said that some verses
were revealed in Mecca, but "completed" in Medina.

Nöldeke - Schwally:
(taken from Geschichte des Qorans, vol. 1, pp. xi, 143, 170-172)

Mecca I: Suras containing heathen oaths
Mecca II: Suras containing "Rahman"
Mecca III: Suras with a more developed prose
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