Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix D

pp. 149 f. The word comes from the same Arabic root as the word for
"Jew"; cf. SEI, p. 140.

26:144f Salih was an Arabian prophet who 26:144f Salih was an Arabian prophet who 26:144f Salih was an Arabian prophet who 26:144f Salih was an Arabian prophet who
was a brother of the Thamud. was a brother of the Thamud. was a brother of the Thamud. was a brother of the Thamud.

Although the name Thamud was known and used by the pre-Islamic poets
al-Afwa al-Audi (c. 570 AD) and `Adi b. Zayd (580 AD), see Margoliouth,
Relations, p. 73, Horovitz (Untersuchungen, p. 123) believes that Salih was
an invention of Muhammad. Cf. SEI, pp. 499 f.

26:176f Shu`ayb was a prophet (who was 26:176f Shu`ayb was a prophet (who was 26:176f Shu`ayb was a prophet (who was 26:176f Shu`ayb was a prophet (who was
a brother of the Midianites; cf. a brother of the Midianites; cf. a brother of the Midianites; cf. a brother of the Midianites; cf.
11:85f) 11:85f) 11:85f) 11:85f)

Horovitz, Untersuchungen, pp. 119 f., states that the name is unknown in
pre-Islamic Arabic, and cannot be identified with any prophet from any
other source. Simply based on the mention of "Midian" in this verse, later
Islamic scholars identify him with Jethro the priest of Midian (Ex. 3:1).
Horovitz (Ibid.) notes, however, that the name Shu`ayb does not appear in
the later Qur'anic account of Mose's flight to and stay in Midian (28:21f),
where Muhammad should have used it, if Jethro had been meant. Cf. SEI,
p. 544.

15:60 15:60 15:60 15:60 Lot's wife was not to be saved. Lot's wife was not to be saved. Lot's wife was not to be saved. Lot's wife was not to be saved.

There are both Jewish and Syrian Christian sources which portray the wife
of Lot as being evil. See Speyer, Erzählungen, pp. 157 f; Grünbaum, Neue
Beiträge, pp. 134, 145; SEI, p. 290 f. Cf. Gen. 19:26.

19:1f 19:1f 19:1f 19:1f Zacharias could not speak for three Zacharias could not speak for three Zacharias could not speak for three Zacharias could not speak for three
nights (days) after receiving the promise nights (days) after receiving the promise nights (days) after receiving the promise nights (days) after receiving the promise
of John's birth. of John's birth. of John's birth. of John's birth.

Origin unknown; but probably a misunderstanding on Muhammad's part.
The Bible shows Zacharias as being unable to speak for approximately the
duration of Elizabeth's pregnancy; cf. Lk. 1:20, 64.

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