Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

19:7f 19:7f 19:7f 19:7f John was the son of Zacharias; peace John was the son of Zacharias; peace John was the son of Zacharias; peace John was the son of Zacharias; peace
is wished for him on the day of his is wished for him on the day of his is wished for him on the day of his is wished for him on the day of his
birth, death and resurrection. birth, death and resurrection. birth, death and resurrection. birth, death and resurrection.

For the possible origins of the blessing (19:15), which is essentially the
same as the one for Jesus (19:34), see SEI, p. 490. Cf. Lk. 1:67f.

19:16f 19:16f 19:16f 19:16f Mary has a book which is named after Mary has a book which is named after Mary has a book which is named after Mary has a book which is named after
her; the birth of Jesus is related. her; the birth of Jesus is related. her; the birth of Jesus is related. her; the birth of Jesus is related.

The book referred to may be the Gospel of the book of Mary, which was
used by several early sects; see Lost Books, pp. 17 f; Ante-Nicene Fathers,
vol. 8, pp. 384 f. 19:16 For Mary’s withdrawal from her relatives; cf. the
Protevangelion 9:23 in Lost Books; Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 8, p. 364,
(Prot. 12); where Mary is said to have left Elizabeth to hide herself from the
house of Israel (lest her pregnancy be known).

19:19 19:19 19:19 19:19 Jesus was pure. Jesus was pure. Jesus was pure. Jesus was pure.

Cf. Gospel of the book of Mary 7:20 in Lost Books; Ante-Nicene Fathers,
vol. 8, pp. 386 f (Mary 9).

19:23f 19:23f 19:23f 19:23f Mary gives birth to Jesus under a date Mary gives birth to Jesus under a date Mary gives birth to Jesus under a date Mary gives birth to Jesus under a date
palm. palm. palm. palm.

Cf. Pseudo-Matthew 20, where on the journey to Egypt, it is the child Jesus
who commands a palm tree to bend down its branches and give fruit to His
mother, who was sitting under the tree. Afterwards Jesus commands the
tree to open a spring of water from its roots, from which they, their cattle
and beasts drank. (Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 8, pp. 376-377). In order to
explain this Qur'an passage, Tabari, (History, vol. 4, p. 114) seems to have
corrupted the Pseudo-Matthew account (as Muhammad may have done
before him), so that Mary gives birth to Jesus on the way to Egypt.

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