Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix D

19:28f 19:28f 19:28f 19:28f Mary is accused of immorality Mary is accused of immorality Mary is accused of immorality Mary is accused of immorality

Cf. Pseudo-Matthew 12, in which both Mary and Joseph are depicted as
having been arrested and brought to the Temple. After both give their
testimonies, they both drink the water of drinking (cf. Numbers 5:11f,
where only the wife drinks the water) to see who was not telling the truth.
In the end, both are cleared of any guilt, and Mary is recognized as being a
virgin with child.

19:29 19:29 19:29 19:29 Mary is said to have been of "sister of Mary is said to have been of "sister of Mary is said to have been of "sister of Mary is said to have been of "sister of
Aaron." Aaron." Aaron." Aaron."

An apparent mistake of Muhammad, whereby Mary the mother of Jesus
was also thought to be Miriam the sister of Moses and Aaron. Speyer,
Erzählungen, p. 243, cites Aphrahat (Homily 21, ch. 10) as an example of
how Muhammad may have erred: "One Maryam stood on the bank of the
river, as Moses floated on the water; and a Maryam bore Jesus, after the
angel Gabriel had given her the promise." (cf. The Nicene and Post-Nicene
Fathers, vol. 13, p. 396.) One of Ephraem the Syrian's Hymns on the
Nativity reads: "The Virgin bare today the Adam that was Head over the
Heavens. The staff of Aaron, it budded, and the dry wood yielded fruit."
(See Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. 13, Hymn 1, p. 223).

19:31 19:31 19:31 19:31 Jesus speaks from the cradle. Jesus speaks from the cradle. Jesus speaks from the cradle. Jesus speaks from the cradle.

This appears to have come from the Infancy Gospel 1:2 (Lost Books),
which was used by some early sects. The text of what Jesus is reported to
have said (cf. Qur'an 19:31f with Infancy 1:3) seems to have been radically
changed by Muhammad; cf. Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 8, p. 405.

19:43f 19:43f 19:43f 19:43f Abraham's father an idolater. Abraham's father an idolater. Abraham's father an idolater. Abraham's father an idolater.

Geiger shows that the original source for this was Judaism; Midrash
Rabbah Genesis, parag. 17 (WMJA, p. 122; cf. Ginzberg, Legends, vol. 1,
pp. 195 f). However, this may also have reached Muhammad through
Christians acquainted with the Jewish story.

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