Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix D

12:24 Joseph would have sinned, but he saw a vision.

Geiger, p. 140: cf. Sotah 36b.

12:26f Was Joseph's shirt torn from the front or back?

Geiger, p. 142: cf. Sefer ha-Yashar.

12:28f [Potiphar] justifies Joseph.

Speyer, p. 204: cf. Midrash Rabbah Genesis, parag. 87, 10.

12:30 Egyptian women shame [Potiphar]'s wife.

Speyer, p. 205: cf. Midrash Yalkut Genesis, parag. 146.

12:31f Egyptian women cut their hands on seeing
how handsome Joseph is.

Geiger, p. 140: cf. Sefer ha-Yashar; see also Speyer, p. 205 f.

12:50f [Potiphar]'s wife admits her guilt after Joseph
is brought out of prison.

Speyer, p. 210 f: Ephraem’s homily on Gen. 41 (Opp. vol. 1, 93C f).

12:67 Jacob tells his sons to enter through many gates
and not just one.

Geiger, p. 145: cf. Midrash Rabbah Genesis, parag. 92.

12:69 Joseph secretly told his brother [Benjamin] who
he was.

Geiger, p. 146: cf. Sefer ha-Yashar.

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