Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

12:77 He stole and thus his brother stole.

Geiger, p. 145: cf. Midrash Rabbah Genesis, parag. 92, 8: "A thief the son
of a [female] thief" was apparently distorted to the Qur'anic. See Speyer,
p. 216.

12:86,97 Jacob knows Joseph lives.

Geiger, p. 145 f: Midrash Tanhuma (Midrash Yalkut, 143).

12:100 Joseph welcomes his parents to Egypt.

Geiger, p. 147, thinks this to be an error on Muhammad's part, based on the
fulfillment of his dream (12:101); Speyer, p. 221, also believes this to be an
invention of Muhammad.

For the original Joseph narrative, see Gen. 37f. For more materials on the
Qur'anic account: cf. Ginzberg, Legends, vol. 2, pp. 3 f.; Guillaume, in
Legacy, pp. 146 f.; SEI, pp. 646 f.

40:25 40:25 40:25 40:25 Moses was sent to Pharaoh, Haman Moses was sent to Pharaoh, Haman Moses was sent to Pharaoh, Haman Moses was sent to Pharaoh, Haman
and Korah. and Korah. and Korah. and Korah.

Geiger, WMJA, p. 153, shows that Korah is depicted as having been the
head administrator of Pharoah's household in Midrash Rabbah Numbers,
parag. 14. Horovitz,Untersuchungen, p. 149, thinks that Muhammad's error
of making Haman contemporary with Korah may have come from Jewish
sources, e.g. Midrash Rabbah Numbers (22:6), where Haman is named
alongside of Korah as having been a rich man.

40:38f 40:38f 40:38f 40:38f Haman was to build a tower for Pharaoh Haman was to build a tower for Pharaoh Haman was to build a tower for Pharaoh Haman was to build a tower for Pharaoh
to go up to God. to go up to God. to go up to God. to go up to God.

An apparent error of Muhammad, where Biblical narration of the tower of
Babel (Gen. 11:1f) has been placed in the time of Moses with Haman. Mar-
goliouth ("Additions," JRAS, (1939), pp. 58 f) connects Pharaoh's name

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