Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

29:13 29:13 29:13 29:13 Noah was 950 years old at the time of Noah was 950 years old at the time of Noah was 950 years old at the time of Noah was 950 years old at the time of
the flood. the flood. the flood. the flood.

As Noah is said to have lived for a total of 950 years in the Biblical account
(Gen. 9:28f), Geiger, WMJA, p. 109, is no doubt correct in believing this to
be an error of Muhammad. Cf. Speyer, Erzählungen, p. 109.

31:12 31:12 31:12 31:12 Luqman told his son not to ascribe partners Luqman told his son not to ascribe partners Luqman told his son not to ascribe partners Luqman told his son not to ascribe partners
to God. to God. to God. to God.

Horovitz, Untersuchungen, pp. 132 f. shows Luqman to have been an Arab
wise man who was known in the pre-Islamic poetry of al-A`sha and Zabban
b. Sayyar. Cf. SEI, p. 289 f.

10:87 10:87 10:87 10:87 Moses and his brother are told to make Moses and his brother are told to make Moses and his brother are told to make Moses and his brother are told to make
houses a qibla for prayer and proclaim-houses a qibla for prayer and proclaim-houses a qibla for prayer and proclaim-houses a qibla for prayer and proclaim-
ing the good news to believers in Egypt. ing the good news to believers in Egypt. ing the good news to believers in Egypt. ing the good news to believers in Egypt.

Practically all of the research concerning this verse has centered on the
word "qibla" (direction of prayer); cf. Nöldeke-Schwally, GQ, p. 176, note;
Speyer, Erzählungen, pp. 285 f. However, what was probably meant were
synagogues, which were usually built facing Jerusalem and were places of
prayer and instruction. One would suspect a Jewish source here, which
anachronistically not only attempted to make the institution of synagogues
date from Moses' time; cf. Acts 15:21; Josephus, Apion 2:175; Targum
Pseudo-Jonathan to Ex. 18:20; Midrash Yalkut Exodus 408 (from Ency.
Jud., vol. 15, p. 580), but from even before the exodus from Egypt.

10:90 10:90 10:90 10:90 Pharaoh repents, becomes a Muslim and is Pharaoh repents, becomes a Muslim and is Pharaoh repents, becomes a Muslim and is Pharaoh repents, becomes a Muslim and is
saved from the closing sea. saved from the closing sea. saved from the closing sea. saved from the closing sea.

Geiger, WMJA, p. 160 gives Pirke Rabbi Eliezer, 43; Midrash to Ps. 106;
Midrash Yalkut 238 as the Jewish sources for Pharoah's repentance, cf. also
Speyer, Erzählungen, pp. 290 f. The idea that Pharaoh became a Muslim was
an innovation of Muhammad, similar to the Qur'anic claims that many other
Biblical characters were allegedly Muslims; cf. e.g. Qur'an 3:60.

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