Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

7:166 7:166 7:166 7:166 The Sabbath violators who were turned The Sabbath violators who were turned The Sabbath violators who were turned The Sabbath violators who were turned
into apes. into apes. into apes. into apes.

Speyer, Erzählungen, p. 313, holds that Muhammad probably confused
traditions related to the Sabbath with Sanhedrin 109a, where the workers on
the tower of Babel said they wanted to fight against God and were then
turned into apes, spirits, male and female demons. Cf. SEI, p. 415.

7:170 7:170 7:170 7:170 The mountain which was shaken over the The mountain which was shaken over the The mountain which was shaken over the The mountain which was shaken over the
children of Israel. children of Israel. children of Israel. children of Israel.

Geiger, WMJA, p. 161, gives Avodah Zarah 2b as the source for this.

6:74 6:74 6:74 6:74 Abraham's father was Azar. Abraham's father was Azar. Abraham's father was Azar. Abraham's father was Azar.

It appears that Muhammad mistook the name of Abraham's servant Eliezer
(Gen. 15:2) for that of his father Terah (Gen. 11:26f). For an interpretive
history of research regarding the origin of the name, see Jeffery,
Vocabulary, pp. 53 f.

6:75f 6:75f 6:75f 6:75f Abraham rejects the stars, moon and sun Abraham rejects the stars, moon and sun Abraham rejects the stars, moon and sun Abraham rejects the stars, moon and sun
as possible gods. as possible gods. as possible gods. as possible gods.

This material is based on the Midrash Rabbah Genesis parag. 17, Nedarim
32a and Josephus, Antiquities, 1,7,1; see Rudolph, Koran, p. 143, n. 29. Cf.
Grünbaum, Neue Beiträge, p. 131; Ginzberg, Legends, vol. 5, p. 210,
nn. 15-16; SEI, p. 154.

2:63f 2:63f 2:63f 2:63f Moses and the cow. Moses and the cow. Moses and the cow. Moses and the cow.

Speyer, Erzählungen, pp. 345 f. shows that Muhammad confused several
Old Testament passages here, includung Ex. 12:1f; Num. 19:2f and Dt.
21:2f. Cf. Geiger, WMJA, pp. 168 f.

2:92 2:92 2:92 2:92 Gabriel is mentioned with Michael. Gabriel is mentioned with Michael. Gabriel is mentioned with Michael. Gabriel is mentioned with Michael.

Following Dan. 8:16 and 10:13, where the names first appear, Jewish and
Christian apocryphal literature abounds with passages in which the names

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