Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

also follows the account of Protevangelion 8:2, in which it is said an angel
brought her food.

3:37f 3:37f 3:37f 3:37f The annunciation is related. The annunciation is related. The annunciation is related. The annunciation is related.

Cf. Protevangelion 9:9f; Infancy Gospel 1:2f; John 1:1, 14. The matter of
3:39 is related in Protevangelion 8:6f and the Gospel of the book of Mary
5:16-6:1 in Lost Books.

3:43 3:43 3:43 3:43 Jesus was to make clay birds live. Jesus was to make clay birds live. Jesus was to make clay birds live. Jesus was to make clay birds live.

Cf. Infancy Gospel 15:6; Gospel of Thomas 1:4-8 in Lost Books.

3:48f 3:48f 3:48f 3:48f Allah said He would allow Jesus to die Allah said He would allow Jesus to die Allah said He would allow Jesus to die Allah said He would allow Jesus to die
and then would take Him to Heaven. and then would take Him to Heaven. and then would take Him to Heaven. and then would take Him to Heaven.

Source uncertain. Taken literally, this idea is contrary to contemporary
Islamic views regarding Jesus' death. Islamic theologians generally attempt
to resolve this by saying that such verses (cf. 19:34) will be fulfilled after
Jesus' second coming (cf. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 3, p. 233; Sahih Muslim, vol.
4, p. 1517). Another interesting, but lesser-known view relative to this verse
can be found in a tradition transmitted through Ibn Ishaq (Tabari, History,
vol. 3, p. 122), in which God is said to have permitted Jesus to die at three
o'clock in the afternoon.

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