Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix D

61:6 61:6 61:6 61:6 Jesus said "Ahmad" would come. Jesus said "Ahmad" would come. Jesus said "Ahmad" would come. Jesus said "Ahmad" would come.

Nöldeke-Schwally, GQ, p. 9, n. 1, have shown rather conclusively that this
notion had to have been an innovation of Muhammad. Later Islamic efforts
at trying to connect this with the New Testament passages regarding the
Paraclete of John 14-16 (cf. ECMD, s.v. "Paraclete" index), not only aim at
trying to make Muhammad a "Biblical" prophet, but also are part of the
Islamic apologetic of the Qur'an.

4:156 4:156 4:156 4:156 The Jews did not kill Jesus, but it seemed The Jews did not kill Jesus, but it seemed The Jews did not kill Jesus, but it seemed The Jews did not kill Jesus, but it seemed
so to them. so to them. so to them. so to them.

Cf. Gnostic Acts of John 98-100 (Apokryphen, pp. 169 f). See the
comments to Qur'an 3:48f, above.

4:162 4:162 4:162 4:162 God spoke directly to Moses. God spoke directly to Moses. God spoke directly to Moses. God spoke directly to Moses.

Cf. Ex. 33:11; Dt. 5:4; 34:10; Speyer, Erzählungen, pp. 299 f.

4:169 4:169 4:169 4:169 Jesus is a Word and a Spirit from God. Jesus is a Word and a Spirit from God. Jesus is a Word and a Spirit from God. Jesus is a Word and a Spirit from God.

For His being the Word of God, see John 1:1,14. For the notion of Him
being the Spirit of God, see Gnostic Acts of John, 98 (Apokryphen,
pp. 169 f). This verse was used frequently by early Christian polemicists as
a Qur'anic source in favor of Jesus' divinity, see ECMD, s.v. "4:169"
p. 748.

66:10 66:10 66:10 66:10 Noah's and Lot's wives went to Hell. Noah's and Lot's wives went to Hell. Noah's and Lot's wives went to Hell. Noah's and Lot's wives went to Hell.

Jewish and Christian sources only know that Lot's wife was killed; cf. Gen.
19:26. Islamic tradition (Sahih Bukhari, vol. 6, p. 408) shows that in Qur'an
66:1-5 Hafsa and A'isha are referred to and threatened with divorce from Muhammad (v. 5). The "pairs" of women in vv. 10-12 were doubtless used by Muhammad as examples of unbelievers and believers for Hafsa and A'isha to learn from. The idea that Noah's and Lot's wives went to Hell
was most likely an innnovation of Muhammad. In v. 11 Pharaoh's wife
prayed to be saved from him. In v. 12 the Spirit was breathed into Mary.
See comments to 66:10, above. An interesting hadith (Sahih Bukhari, vol.
5, p. 75) reports that Mary and Pharoah's wife attained perfection, and
`A'isha is praised as being superior to other women.

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