Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 The Jews are said to accept Ezra as The Jews are said to accept Ezra as The Jews are said to accept Ezra as The Jews are said to accept Ezra as
God's Son. God's Son. God's Son. God's Son.

Although there is no evidence that any Jews ever held this view, Speyer,
Erzählungen, p. 413, shows that IV Ezra 14:9 depicts Ezra as having been
translated and sitting with God's Son, and he also cites Rießler in
mentioning the Apocalypse of Ezra (1:7), in which God's Son was sent to
bring the soul of Ezra to heaven. (Cf. Apokalypsen, p. 116).

5:30f 5:30f 5:30f 5:30f The two sons of Adam [Cain and Abel]. The two sons of Adam [Cain and Abel]. The two sons of Adam [Cain and Abel]. The two sons of Adam [Cain and Abel].

Geiger, in WMJA, pp. 101 f. demonstrates that this narration is based on
Rabbi Pirke Eliezer, 21, in which a raven inspires Adam and Eve (not Cain
as in the Qur'an) to bury Abel. Geiger (Ibid.) also shows that 5:35 is based
on Sanhedrin 4,5.

5:112f 5:112f 5:112f 5:112f Jesus has a table come down from Heaven Jesus has a table come down from Heaven Jesus has a table come down from Heaven Jesus has a table come down from Heaven
which was to become feast for His disciples which was to become feast for His disciples which was to become feast for His disciples which was to become feast for His disciples
and those to come. and those to come. and those to come. and those to come.

It is generally recognized that Muhammad misunderstood the Eucharist in
this passage; cf. Nöldeke, "Qur'an", p. 10; Bell, Origins, p. 136; SEI,
p. 174. However, see p. 306, n. 269, above.

5:116f 5:116f 5:116f 5:116f Jesus denies having said that He and Mary Jesus denies having said that He and Mary Jesus denies having said that He and Mary Jesus denies having said that He and Mary
were to be accepted as two gods alongside were to be accepted as two gods alongside were to be accepted as two gods alongside were to be accepted as two gods alongside
of Allah. of Allah. of Allah. of Allah.

Andrae, Ursprung, p. 205, thinks that Monophysite Abyssinians, who he
believes made Mary the heiress to Isis, probably led Muhammad to think
that the Trinity was composed of Father - Son - Mary. Cf. Ahrens,
"Christliches," ZDMG, vol. 84, p. 173.

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