Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

part of Satan from Muhammad's heart (when he was a child), washed his
heart in Zamzam and placed it back in his body (SM 1:103). Satan never
appears in Muhammad's form (SM 4:1225). He takes to flight when the
Adhan and Iqama are read (SB 1:336). Satan weeps when the verse of sajda
(prostration) is recited and performed (SM 1:48). He runs away from
houses where Q 2 is read (SM 1:377). He ties three knots in the head (hair)
of the sleeping (SB 2:134). He stays in the upper part of the nose at night
(SB 4:328). He relieves himself in the ears of those who sleep through the
morning prayers (SB 2:135). Yawning is from Satan (SB 4:325). He is on
the loose at night, but he cannot open closed doors, sealed waterskins or
vessels (SM 3:1113). Satan eats the food dropped at a meal (SM 3:1121).
The bell is an instrument of Satan (SM 3:1163). Muslim fought Muslim at
Uhud because Satan had tricked them (SB 4:325). Satan always takes
another route when he sees `Umar (SB 4:328). Satan has given up hope of
being worshipped in Arabia, so he tries to instigate dissension (SM 4:1471).
His head will appear from the east (SB 4:321). TABARI: Many references.
SUYUTI: Many references.

Noah - (Nuh)Noah - (Nuh)Noah - (Nuh)Noah - (Nuh) The name is not Arabic, probably from Syriac and predates
Muhammad (Vocabulary p. 282). QUR'AN: Noah is accused of lying, cries
to his Lord for help and the flood is sent (54:9f). Noah is a preacher of
forgiveness (71:4,9). Noah describes rain as a blessing (71:10f). Noah's
people rebelled against him (71:20). Noah mentions the names of gods
worshipped in Muhammad's time (71:22f). Noah prays that no unbelievers
be left upon the earth (71:27). Noah preaches Monotheism (26:108). The
vilest follow Noah (26:111). One of Noah's sons drowned (11:44f). Noah
was 950 years old before the flood (29:13) Noah's wife went to Hell
(66:10). HADITH: He is mentioned as having cursed the earth in his day
(SM 1:1279). TABARI: He worked on the ark 400 years (1:356). In the
presence of his disciples, Jesus resurrected Noah's son Ham and asked him
questions (1:357). Noah was even commanded to take trees with him on the
ark; at least 13 people and Satan were in the ark (1:360). Og b. Anak, who
was 800 cubits tall, survived the flood (1:361). Adam's corpse was in the
ark; the Ka`ba was not submerged in the Flood (1:362). According to some
there were 80 people in the ark (1:364). SUYUTI: Some say he is Idris and

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