Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix E

lived 20 generations later than Adam. He was a prophet at 40, lived 950
years of which 60 were after the flood. He was born 126 years after Adam's
death. Noah was the oldest prophet (2:357-8).

Lot - (Lut)Lot - (Lut)Lot - (Lut)Lot - (Lut) The name is not Arabic, probably from Syriac and does not
predate Islam (Vocabulary, p. 255). QUR'AN: An old woman was not
saved with Lot (37:134). Lot preached Monotheism (26:163). Lot's wife
was not to be saved (15:59f). Lot's people want to drive him from the land
(27:57). He offered his two daughters to the people (11:80). Lot believed
Abraham (29:25). Lot's wife was sent to Hell (66:10) HADITH: ---
TABARI: Is the son of Haran the son of Terah (2:111) SUYUTI: He is the
son of Haran the son of Azar, or according to another, he is the son of
Abraham's brother's son (2:360).

Aaron - (Harun)Aaron - (Harun)Aaron - (Harun)Aaron - (Harun) The name is not Arabic, probably from a Christian-
Palestinian dialect of Syriac and predates Muhammad (Vocabulary, pp.
283-4). QUR'AN: He is mentioned with Moses (37:120). Mary is said to
have been of "sister of Aaron" (19:29). Moses and his brother Aaron were
sent to Pharaoh (23: 47f). HADITH: As Aaron was to Moses, so Ali is to Muhammad (SB 5:46). Muhammad once coughed when reciting Aaron's name in Q 23:45 (SM 1:246). It is said that the brother of Mary was different from Miriam's brother (SM 4:1169). Aaron was seen on the fifth level of heaven during the night journey (SM 1:100). TABARI: He died in an illusion of a house on a mountain top (3:75) and according to some, rose from the dead and cleared Moses from the accusations that Moses had murdered him (3:88). SUYUTI: He is the brother of Moses, some say by his mother, some by his father. He died before Moses and was one year older than him. He was the son ofImran. Aaron means "beloved" in
Hebrew ["enlightened"]. A physical description of him is given (2:361).

Isaac - (Ishaq)Isaac - (Ishaq)Isaac - (Ishaq)Isaac - (Ishaq) The name is not Arabic, probably came from Christian
sources and is said to predate Islam, there is no evidence of this though
(Vocabulary, p. 60). QUR'AN: Isaac is Abraham's son (37:112). He was a
prophet (19:50). HADITH: --TABARI: He was to be sacrificed by

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