Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix E

AdAdam - (Adam)Adam - (Adam)Adam - (Adam) The name is not Arabic, as the Arabs can give no wam - (Adam) orthy
explanation as to its meaning; it probably came from Hebrew and predates
Muhammad (Vocabulary, pp. 50-1). QUR'AN: Satan does not bow to
Adam; Adam and his wife are deceived by Satan (20:114f). This theme is
more developed in 7:10f. HADITH: He was 60 cubits tall (SB 4:342). He
was not responsible for his sin, as this was his pre-determined fate (SB
4:410). Adam's son was the first murderer (SB 3:900). Adam was seen on
the first level of heaven during Muhammad's night journey (SM 1:100)
TABARI: Angels used to eat of the forbidden tree and live eternally
(1:277). Adam was driven out of Paradise, was forgiven and died on
Fridays (1:282). Adam was in Paradise 500 years and was cast down to
earth in India (1:290). Eve was cast down to earth in Mecca (1:292).
Adam's height was reduced to 60 cubits, he was sent to Mecca, where he
circumambulated the House (1:293). The Ka`ba was white in Adam's time
(1:297). The House was a jewel or pearl sent down from heaven (1:302).
SUYUTI: His name is Arabic, or Hebrew meaning "soil" ["man"]. He lived
960 or 1000 years (2:357).

Iblis - (Iblis)Iblis - (Iblis)Iblis - (Iblis)Iblis - (Iblis) The name is not Arabic, probably comes from the Greek and
does not predate Muhammad (Vocabulary pp. 47-8). QUR'AN: Iblis refuses
to bow before Adam (20:114f) HADITH: --TABARI: Many references.
SUYUTI: Ibn `Abbas: Iblis was a jinn whose first name was Azazel.
According to some his first name was Haris, which means Azazel.

Samaritan - (al-Samiri)Samaritan - (al-Samiri)Samaritan - (al-Samiri)Samaritan - (al-Samiri) The name is not Arabic, probably comes from the
Hebrew (Midrash ?) and probably does not predate Muhammad
(Vocabulary, pp. 158-9). QUR'AN: The Samaritan was a deceiver of Israel
against Moses (20:87f). HADITH: --TABARI: His name was Musa b.
Zafar (3:76). The golden calf, which could bellow and walk was made so
from the dust the Samaritan gathered from the hoof (print) of Gabriel's
horse (3:72) SUYUTI: ---.

Hud - (Hud)Hud - (Hud)Hud - (Hud)Hud - (Hud) The name is Arabic, his identity is disputed; the root of the
name means to be of Jewish faith (SEI, p. 140). QUR'AN: Hud was an
Arabian prophet who was the brother of the 'Ad (26:123f). Hud preached
Monotheism (26:126). HADITH: --TABARI: He preached the oneness of
God to the `Ad (2:29), who were in turn destroyed for not believing him
(2:39f). He is said to be Aber (Heber ?) b. Arpachshad b. Shem b. Noah.

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