Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix E

HADITH: He was a carpenter (SM 4:1267). TABARI: He was accused of
making Mary pregnant, he fled, was enclosed in a tree and sawed up by the
Jews (4:120). SUYUTI: He was from the lineage of Solomon b. David. He
was martyred after his son. He was (either) 92, 99 or 120 years old when
his son was born. His name is Persian (2:363).

John [the Baptist]- (Yahya)John [the Baptist]- (Yahya)John [the Baptist]- (Yahya)John [the Baptist]- (Yahya) The name is not Arabic. probably comes from
Syriac and seems to predate Muhammad (Vocabulary p. 290). QUR'AN:
John was the son of Zacharias; similar to Jesus peace is wished for him on
the day of his birth, death and resurrection (19:7f) HADITH: He is seen
with Jesus on the second level of Heaven during Muhammad's night
journey (SM 1:100). TABARI: He was born 6 months before Jesus and was
killed before the latter's ascension (4:102). Some say Nebuchadnezzar
attacked Israel because the Jews had killed John (4:54); the verions of Ibn
Abbas (4:103) and Ibn Masud (4:104), which are the oldest, propagate
this view. A version approximating the Biblical accounts is also given later
(4:108). SUYUTI: He is the son of Zacharias, according to the Qur'an he is
the first to be named Yahya. He was born 6 months before Jesus and was
proclaimed by prophecy at a young age. He was martyred by torture. God
punished his murderer by sending Bukht Nasar [Nebuchadnezzar] and his
army to attack him. Some think his name was Arabic, others do not

Mary - (Maryam)Mary - (Maryam)Mary - (Maryam)Mary - (Maryam) The name is not Arabic, probably comes from the Syriac
and does not predate Muhammad (Vocabulary, p. 262). QUR'AN: Mary has
a book which is named after her; the birth of Jesus is related (19:16f). Mary
is the daughter of Imran and came under the care of Zacharias (3:30f). The Qur'anic annunciation is related (3:37f). The Spirit was breathed into Mary (66:12). HADITH: She and Jesus were not touched by Satan at birth as all other humans are (SB 3:324). She was the best of women in her lifetime (SB 5:103) and was one of three women to attain perfection (SB 5:75). A picture of her was found in the Kaba (SB 3:365). TABARI: She gave birth
to Jesus at 13 and died at 50 (4:102). She was the sister of Elizabeth and
was looked after by Zacharias (4:103). She was of Solomon's lineage
(4:103), but another says of Aaron's (4:120). She and her relative Joseph (a
carpenter) served in the temple (4:113). SUYUTI: No other woman’s

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