Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

name is mentioned in the Qur'an. "Maryam" means "servant" in Hebrew
["fat, thick, strong"] (2:367).

Jesus - (Isa)Jesus - (Isa)Jesus - (Isa)Jesus - (Isa) The name is not Arabic (from Aramaic?). This form does not
predate Muhammad and might have been made so to rhyme with Musa
(Vocabulary, pp. 218 f). QUR'AN: Jesus was pure (19:19). He speaks from
the cradle (19:31). Jesus and Mary were made a sign (23:52). Jesus was the
Messiah (3:40). God said He would allow Jesus to die and then would take
Him to Heaven (3:48). The Jews did not kill Jesus, but it seemed so to them
(4:156). Jesus is a Word and a Spirit from God (4:169). Jesus said "Ahmad"
would come (61:6). Jesus was sent to confirm the Torah and was given the
Gospel (5:50). God speaks to Jesus at the Judgment; Jesus made a clay bird
live, healed the blind and lepers; raised the dead (5:109f). Jesus has a table
come down from Heaven which was to become a feast for His disciples and
those who followed (5:112f). Jesus denies having said that He and Mary
were to be accepted as two gods alongside of Allah (5:116f). HADITH: He
and Mary were not touched by Satan at birth as all other humans (SB
4:324). He is a "pious slave" (SB 4:436). He is God's slave, Apostle, Word
and Spirit (SB 4:429). He was of medium height, "moderate complexion"
with reddish-white "lank" hair (SB 4:303). Muhammad tells of a prophet
who after being beaten with blood running down his face said "Forgive my
people, as they do not know" (SB 9:49) [from the crucifixion; Lk. 23:34]
There were 600 years between Jesus and Muhammad (SB 5:194). There
was no prophet between Jesus and Muhammad (SM 4:1260). Muhammad is
the closest to Jesus of all people (SB 4:434). Muhammad is not to be
praised by his followers as Jesus is by the Christians (SB 4:435). Jesus is
worshipped as God's Son by the Christians (SB 9:395). Muhammad sees
Jesus near the Ka`ba in a dream (SB 9:106). Jesus sees a man stealing, but
drops the accusation when the other swears by God that he did not steal (SB
4:434). Muhammad once coughed when reciting Jesus' name in Q 23:52
(SM 1:246). He who first believed in Jesus, but then in Muhammad will
receive a double reward (SB 4:435). Jesus is to descend on the mosque in
Damascus (SM 4:1516). He is to return to earth as a judge, who will break
all crosses, kill swine and abolish the "jizya" (tax) (SB 3:233). He will
judge by the Qur'anic law, and not that of the Gospel (SB 4:437). Although
all other prophets have sins, including Muhammad, Jesus will mention

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