Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix E

none for Himself during the Judgment (SB 6:198). He was seen on the
second level of Heaven with John (the Baptist) during Muhammad's night
journey (SM 1:100). TABARI: He lived 32 years before His ascension
(4:102). When He was born all the idols on earth fell over (4:120). He
solved a theft in while in Egypt and turned water into wine at age 12
(4:117). He spoke of His impending death to His disciples, but He was
raised up to God and another died in His place (4:122, 125). Ibn Ishaq:
Jesus died (4:122). SUYUTI: He was born without father. Mary was 10 or
15 years old, and was pregnant with Him (according to scholars) 1 hour, 3
hours, 6 months, 8 months or 9 months. He was 33 at His ascension. Some
hadith say He will return, kill Dajjal, marry, have children, perform the
Hajj, live 7 years and be buried next to Muhammad. Physical description
from Bukhari is given. There were only two prophets with two names:
Jesus (Jesus, Messiah) and Muhammad (Muhammad, Ahmad) (2:364).

Jacob - (Yaqub)Jacob - (Yaqub)Jacob - (Yaqub)Jacob - (Yaqub) The name is not Arabic and comes from either the
Hebrew or Syriac; it predates Muhammad (Vocabulary, p. 291). QUR'AN:
Isaac and Jacob were given to Abraham [as sons]; both were prophets
(19:50). HADITH: He was Abraham's son and Joseph's father (SM 4:1267).
TABARI: Some say he settled in Anatolia (2:137). SUYUTI: He lived 147

Ishmael - (Ismail)Ishmael - (Ismail)Ishmael - (Ismail)Ishmael - (Ismail) The name is not Arabic and probably comes from a
Christian-Palestinian dialect of Syriac; it predates Muhammad (Vocabulary,
pp. 63-4). QUR'AN: Ishmael is commanded to purify the house of prayer,
i.e. Kaba, with Abraham (2:119). Ishmael had a book named after himself (19:55). HADITH: He drank from the spring Zamzam, where he and his mother Hagar were left by Abraham, he later helped Abraham build the House (SB 4:372). He was a great archer (SB 4:97). Ishmael's picture was in the Kaba (SB 4:366). TABARI: He was to be sacrificed by Abraham
(2:92). He divorced his first wife (2:75). He was sent as a prophet to the
Amalekites and the Yemenites (2:132). SUYUTI: He was Abraham's oldest
son (2:359).

IdrisIdrisIdrisIdris - The name is not Arabic, probably came from a Christian-Palestinian
dialect of Syriac; it is thought to come from "Andreas" (the cook of
Alexander the Great in the Syrian Alexander legend) (Vocabulary, p. 52).

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