Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

QUR'AN: Idris is a prophet who had a book named for himself (19:57)
HADITH: He is seen on the fourth level of heaven during Muhammad's
night journey (SM 1:100). TABARI: He was Cain's son (1:337). According
to some he died at age 365 (1:346). [As al-Khidr he drank from the River of
Life and became eternal (3:2)]. SUYUTI: He is said to have preceded Noah
and was the first to give prophecy. Some say he was Noah's father, a
physical description is given on weak evidence. He was taken (translated) at
350 years. There were 100 years between him and Noah (2:358).

David - (Dawud)David - (Dawud)David - (Dawud)David - (Dawud) The name is not Arabic, probably comes from the
Aramaic and predates Muhammad (Vocabulary, p. 128). QUR'AN: David's
decision between the man with 99 sheep and the man with one is related,
David repents (38:16f). David and Solomon decide about the retribution for
those whose fields were entered by stray sheep; the mountains and birds
were subjected to David (21:78f). Iron was made soft for David to make
coats of mail (21:80, 34:10). David killed Goliath (2:252). HADITH: He
prayed for one third of the night and fasted on every other day (SB 2:129).
David fasted half of the year (SB 3:110). He recited the entire Zabur
[Psalms] as his animals were being saddled (SB 4:416). Two women had
children, a wolf took the child of one, and the two women argued about
which had been taken. They come to David, who decides to give the
"living" child to the oldest woman; they then go to Solomon, who decides
to cut the child in two with a knife, and then gives the child to the woman
who said it belonged to the other (SB 4:637). TABARI: He had at least 12
brothers (3:135). He was chosen to fight Goliath by having a horn of oil
placed over his head, which overflowed and annointed him (3:136). A
physical description is given (3:140). He would spend one day with the
people, one in worship and one with his 99 wives (3:144). A parable of 99
ewes and 1 ewe is told David by two angels after Uriah had been killed
(3:145). The rebellion of Absalom (3:149). David began building the
Temple (3:150f). David lived to be 100 or 77 (3:151). SUYUTI: He was the
son of `Isa [Joshua] b. Avbad b. Baar b. Solomon b. Yashun b. Uma b.
Yarab b. Ram b. Hadran b. Faris b. Yahuda [Judah] b. Jacob. According to
Tirmidhi he was the most worshipful prophet. A physical description is
given. He died at 100 years, reigned 40 years and had 12 sons (2:361-2).

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