Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix E

Solomon - (Sulayman)Solomon - (Sulayman)Solomon - (Sulayman)Solomon - (Sulayman) The name is not Arabic, comes from Syriac
(speaking Christians) and predates Muhammad (Vocabulary, p. 178).
QUR'AN: Solomon is shown to have loved horses (38:30f). Solomon asked
for a kingdom unlike any other (38:34). David and Solomon decide about
the retribution for those whose fields have been entered by stray sheep
(21:78f). Solomon and David were taught the speech of birds; an ant spoke
and Solomon understands; Solomon and the Queen of Sheba exchange
messages by a bird, with which Solomon speaks (27:20f). Solomon was not
an unbeliever (2:96). HADITH: He wanted to have many sons who would
fight for God, so he slept with 100, 70 or 90 women, but these gave birth to
but a "half man," if he had said "inshallah" Solomon's intent would have
been realized (SB 4:56, 421). Two women had children, a wolf took the
child of one, and the two women argued about which had been taken. They
come to David, who decides to give the "living" child to the oldest woman;
they then go to Solomon, who decides to cut the child in two with a knife,
and then gives the child to the woman who said it belonged to the other (SB
4:637). TABARI: He was a man of war, with an army of humans, jinn, wild
animals and birds (3:153f). He travelled seated on his throne, which was
then driven by the wind (3:157). Solomon answers the riddles of the Queen
of Sheba (3:159f). Ibn Abbas - Solomon marries her (3:163). A wife of Solomon worships an image of her father (3:167). Solomon is punished 40 days, after a devil steals his signet ring (3:169). Solomon's ring and kingdom are restored (3:170). SUYUTI: Physical description is given. He was given wisdom although he was young. IbnAbbas: Two believers ruled
the world - Solomon and Alexander the Great. Two unbelievers ruled the
world - Nimrod and Buhtu Nasr [Nebuchadnezzar]. Solomon was ruler at
13 and began to build the Temple in the 4th year of his reign. He died at 53
years (2:362).

Job - (Ayyub)Job - (Ayyub)Job - (Ayyub)Job - (Ayyub) The name is not Arabic, probably comes from the Syriac and
predates Muhammad (Vocabulary, p. 73). QUR'AN: Job was to strike with
a bundle of rushes to keep an oath (38:43). HADITH: Golden locusts used
to cover Job as he was bathing (SB 1:169). TABARI: He was thought to
have been a (Syrian) Byzantine (2:140). He was b. Maws b. Razih b. Esau
b. Isaac b. Abraham; or b. Maws b. Raghwil (2:140). His wife was one of
Jacob's daughters (2:140). His trials are mentioned (2:141f) He was set on
fire by Iblis (2:142). According to some he was thought to have stayed on a
dung heap for 7 years (2:142). He lived at the time of Jacob (2:143). He
lived to be 93 (2:143). SUYUTI: If it is true that he is of the Israelites, it is
known his father was Abyad. One says he was the son of Mus b. Ravh b. Is

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