Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

b. Isaac. Another says his mother was Lot's daughter, his father was one
who believed in Abraham. He must have lived before Moses. One says he
lived after Shu`ayb, another says after Solomon. At 70 he was ill for 7
years; some say this lasted 3 or 13 years. One said he lived 93 years

Dhu'l-Kifl Dhu'l-Kifl Dhu'l-Kifl Dhu'l-Kifl - The name is Arabic, but the person is unknown. Suggestions
include Joshua, Elijah, Zacharias, a Bishr (SEI, p. 76) or Ezekiel (Kassis,
p. 637). QUR'AN: He is mentioned (38:48 and 21:85) HADITH: ---
TABARI: As Dhu'l-Kifl he is said to have been Bishr b. Job, who lived to
be 75 and died in Syria (2:143). SUYUTI: Some say he was Job's son,
another says Bishr b. Job was sent as a prophet and named Dhu'l-Kifl. He
preached Monotheism and died at 75 years. He spent his entire life in
Damascus. Another says he was Elijah or Joshua b. Nun or the Zacharias of
Q 3:37. He was surety for him whom God gave the double of works, or the
one who made al-Yasa his representative. He fasted during the day and
prayed at night, or prayed the ritual prayer 100 times a day, or his name is
al-Yasa and the other name was Dhu'l-Kifl (2:362).

Gog and Magog - (Yajuj wa Majuj)Gog and Magog - (Yajuj wa Majuj)Gog and Magog - (Yajuj wa Majuj)Gog and Magog - (Yajuj wa Majuj) The names are not Arabic, probably
came from Syriac and probably do predate Muhammad (Vocabulary, p.
288). QUR'AN: They are mentioned (21:96). Alexander the Great built a
barrier to keep Gog and Magog from entering the land (18:93f). HADITH:
Their peoples will be sent to Hell (SM 1:143). TABARI: Are cousins of the
Turks (2:11). They are east of the Turks (2:16). SUYUTI: They are
considered to be the names for tribes (2:367).

Sheba (the Queen of) - (Saba)Sheba (the Queen of) - (Saba)Sheba (the Queen of) - (Saba)Sheba (the Queen of) - (Saba) The name probably comes from Arabic-
Jewish or Christian sources; it predates Muhammad (Vocabulary, p. 160.)
QUR'AN: The Queen of Sheba and Solomon exchange messages by a bird
(27:20f). She surrenders to God after seeing Solomon's palace, which is
panelled with glass; she thinks the floors are water and exposes her legs
(27:45). HADITH: --- TABARI: Her name was Bilqis, Yalmaqah bt. al-

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