Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix E

Yashrah, or bt. Ayli Sharh, or bt. Dhi Sharh, etc. (3:156). Her riddles to
Solomon are mentioned (3:159f). She had unshaven legs (3:162). Ibn
`Abbas: She married Solomon (3:163). Ibn Ishaq - She married the king of
Hamdan (3:164). SUYUTI: ---.

Alexander - (Dhu'l-Qarnayn)Alexander - (Dhu'l-Qarnayn)Alexander - (Dhu'l-Qarnayn)Alexander - (Dhu'l-Qarnayn) The name is Arabic and is based on a Syrian
(the Great) legend (SEI, p. 76). QUR'AN: He goes to where the sun sets
and sees it set in a muddy spring (18:84). He goes far to the east and meets
a people who can hardly understand a word (18:92). He is commanded to
build a wall between Allah and Gog with Magog, which he does (18:93f).
Alexander prays to Allah (18:84f). HADITH: --- TABARI: He marched to
"the dark area near the North Pole" and to the "area of the southern sun"
(4:94). SUYUTI: According to one, Dhu'l-Qarnayn was an angel (2:365).
He is Alexander, according to others. Dhu'l-Qarnayn was thought to be
someone else (2:373).

Joseph - (Yusuf)Joseph - (Yusuf)Joseph - (Yusuf)Joseph - (Yusuf) The name is not Arabic, probably comes from the Jews
and seems to predate Muhammad (Vocabulary, p. 295). QUR'AN: The
Qur'anic story of Joseph is related (12:4f). HADITH: He stayed in prison
for a long time (SB 4:386). There was a famine of 7 years in his time (SB
2:64). He is the most righteous among the people (SB 4:366). Woman
Muslims were described as being the companions of Joseph (SB 1:367). He
was seen on the third level of heaven during Muhammad's night journey
(SM 1:100). TABARI: Some say he was born after Leah's death (2:135).
Joseph was later married to Potiphar's widow (2:166). Joseph was 97 when
he saw Jacob again (2:183). Joseph died at 120 (2:183). The Torah says he
lived to be 110 (2:185) SUYUTI: He was the son of Ishaq b. Abraham. He
was in the well at 12 and reunited with his father at 80, he died at 120.
According to some, the Joseph in Q 40:36 is Joseph b. Efraim b. Joseph b.
Jacob. The Jacob in Q 19:6 is thought to be Jacob b. Mathan. The wife of
Zacharias, the daughter of `Imran b. Mathan, is Mary's sister, so it is strange
to think of him as Jacob b. Isaac b. Abraham. Two scholars thought that the
Joseph in Q 40:36 was a jinn, who had been sent as an apostle of God

Haman - (Haman)Haman - (Haman)Haman - (Haman)Haman - (Haman) The name is not Arabic and is probably came from the
Jews (through rabbinic legends) (Vocabulary, p. 284). QUR'AN: Moses
was sent to Pharaoh, Haman and Korah (40:25). Haman was to build a
tower for Pharaoh to go up to God (28:38). HADITH: - -- TABARI:

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