Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

Haman pursued the Israelites with Pharaoh (3:64). SUYUTI: He was an
unbeliever (2:367).

Korah - (Qarun)Korah - (Qarun)Korah - (Qarun)Korah - (Qarun) The name is not Arabic, probably came from the Jews
(through rabbinic legends); it rhymes with Harun (Aaron) (Vocabulary,
p. 231). QUR'AN: Moses was sent to Pharaoh, Haman and Korah (40:25).
Korah was wealthy, envied by Moses' people, swallowed by the earth and
was not a believer (28:76f). HADITH: --- TABARI: He was the son of
Izhar (3:99). His treasure keys were carried by 40 or 60 mules (3:101). He
paid off a prostitute and accused Moses of committing adultery (3:105).
SUYUTI: Ibn `Abbas: He was the son of Yahser. Yahser is the son of
Moses' uncle (2:367).

Luqman - (Luqman)Luqman - (Luqman)Luqman - (Luqman)Luqman - (Luqman) The name is Arabic; he is a personage from pagan
Arabia (SEI, p. 289). QUR'AN: He told his son not to ascribe partners to
God (31:12). HADITH: --- TABARI: He was the master of Ad (2:34). SUYUTI: Although some say he was a prophet, most scholars follow Ibn Abbas in saying he was an Abyssinian slave who was a carpenter (2:366).

Azar - (Azar)Azar - (Azar)Azar - (Azar)Azar - (Azar) The name is not Arabic, came from the Hebrew; Muhammad
confused Eleazar (Abraham's servant) with Terah (Abraham's father)
(Vocabulary, p. 55). QUR'AN: He was Abraham's father (6:74). HADITH:
He will be seen by his son Abraham on the day of Resurrection and then be
transformed into an animal which will be thrown into Hell (SB 4:365).
TABARI: He made idols to sell (2:52) SUYUTI: He was an unbeliever; the
father of Abraham. Azar was Terah’s nickname. Some say Abraham's
father was Terah, (and that) Azar was the name of an idol (2: 367).

Gabriel - (Jibril)Gabriel - (Jibril)Gabriel - (Jibril)Gabriel - (Jibril) The name is not Arabic, probably came from Syriac and
probably does not predate Muhammad (Vocabulary, pp. 10 f). QUR'AN:
He is mentioned with Michael (2:92). HADITH: He escorts Muhammad to
Heaven during the night journey (SM 1:100). He recited the Qur'an to
Muhammad in seven different ways (SB 4:294). He had 600 wings (SB
4:301). His genuine size covered the horizon (SB 4:301). He and other
angels do not enter houses where there are dogs or pictures (SM 3:1157).
He offers `A’isha greetings, which she returns, but she cannot see him as
Muhammad does (SB 4:1302). He met with Muhammad each Ramadan, at
which time Muhammad recited the Qur'an to him (for verification) (SM
4:1241). He recited the Qur'an with Muhammad once or twice yearly, twice
in Muhammad's last year, for which reason Muhammad thinks his death is

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