Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Appendix E

impending (SM 4:1307). TABARI: Many references. SUYUTI: He is an
angel whose name along with the angels', means "God's servant" according
to some (including Ibn `Abbas) [Heb. "God is mighty"] (2:365).

Michael - (Mikal)Michael - (Mikal)Michael - (Mikal)Michael - (Mikal) The name is not Arabic, probably came from the Syriac
and predates Muhammad (Vocabulary, pp. 275-6). QUR'AN: He is
mentioned with Gabriel (2:92). HADITH: --- TABARI: Many references.
SUYUTI: He is an angel, whose name, according to Ibn `Abbas, means
"humble worshipper," [Heb. "who is like God? "] because the "el" at the
end of each word means "one who serves God." Another says "el" in
Hebrew means God (2:367).

Harut and Marut - (Harut wa Marut)Harut and Marut - (Harut wa Marut)Harut and Marut - (Harut wa Marut)Harut and Marut - (Harut wa Marut) The names are not Arabic and
probably came from Aramaic (Vocabulary, pp. 282 f). QUR'AN: They are
two angels in Babil (2:96). HADITH: --- TABARI: --- SUYUTI: According
to `Ali, both are the names of angels in Heaven (2:365).

Saul - (Talut)Saul - (Talut)Saul - (Talut)Saul - (Talut) The name is not Arabic, probably came from Hebrew, and
was corrupted by Muhammad; it rhymes with Jalut (Goliath) (Vocabulary,
p. 204). QUR'AN: Saul was made king by a prophet (2:248). His soldiers
are tested by a river as they advance toward Goliath (2:250f). HADITH: ---
TABARI: He tried to kill David (2:137). He killed many scholars (2:137f).
Some say that the prophet who was resurrected to tell Saul he had been
forgiven was Joshua, others say it was Elisha "b. Akhtub" (3:139). SU-
YUTI: ---.

Goliath - (Jalut)Goliath - (Jalut)Goliath - (Jalut)Goliath - (Jalut) The name is not Arabic, came from Hebrew, was
introduced by Muhammad and rhymes with Talut (Saul) (Vocabulary, p.
97). QUR'AN: He was an enemy of Saul and was killed by David (2:250f).
HADITH: --- TABARI: He was the king of the Amalekites (3:129). David's
shot pierced through his head and killed others behind him (3:137).
SUYUTI: He was an unbeliever (2:367).

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