Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

AAmram - (Imran)Amram - (Imran)Amram - (Imran) The name is not Arabic, probably came frommram - (Imran) the Syriac
and was known before Muhammad (Vocabulary, p. 217). QUR'AN: He is
the father of Mary (3:30f). HADITH: --- TABARI: His wife was Jochebed
or Anahid (3:30). He lived to be 136 (3:31). SUYUTI: According to one, he
is not Mary's father, but Moses' (2:359) He is the father of Mary, Moses'
father or Mary's brother Aaron. According to a hadith in Sahih Muslim, he
(Aaron) is not the brother of Moses (i.e. this Aaron is another Aaron)

Messiah - (Masih)Messiah - (Masih)Messiah - (Masih)Messiah - (Masih) The word is not Arabic, probably came from the Syriac
and predates Muhammad (Vocabulary, p. 266) QUR'AN: "Masih" is
mentioned 11 times in the Qur'an. See entry for "Jesus" above. HADITH:
see Jesus. TABARI: see Jesus. SUYUTI: The word means "true."
According to one it does not come from "flat-footed," but from "one who
heals the ill by touching," "beautiful" or "wandering on earth." [Heb.
"anointed"] (2:372).

Ezra - (Uzayr)Ezra - (Uzayr)Ezra - (Uzayr)Ezra - (Uzayr) The word is not Arabic, but probably comes from the
Hebrew. The form is probably owing to an error on the part of Muhammad
(Vocabulary, p. 214) QUR'AN: The Jews are said to accept him as God's
Son (9:30). HADITH: The Jews admit to believing Ezra is God's Son at the
Judgment (SB 9:395). TABARI: The Torah had been destroyed and Ezra
was enlightened to write it out from memory; he also taught the people. The
Jews later believed he was God's Son (4:64-5) SUYUTI: One says he was a
righteous servant; another says he was a prophet (2:366).

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