Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



Almost all of the Qur'anic similarities to other works given here are remote
and frequently have only a phrase (or at times a single word) in common.
Qur'anic verse locations which are not preceded by numbers were sourced
by the author, numbers not accompanied by letters cite the page numbers to
Karl Ahrens' article "Christliches im Qoran," ZDMG, 84 (1930), who also
used W. Rudolph's Die Abhängigkeit des Qorans von Judentum u.
Christentum, Stuttgart, 1922. Numbers accompanied with letters give the
page numbers of the following reference works:

A - Andrae, Ursprung^
B - Bell, Origins
G - Geiger, WMJA
K - Koran, ed. K. Rudolph
N - Nöldeke, "Qur'an"
S - Speyer, Erzählungen

Mecca I
180 Q 96:1 - cf. Is. 40:6
171 Q 74:4 - cf. Rev. 7:16
Q 74:5 - cf. Mt. 3:7
Q 74:6 - cf. Lk. 6:30, 35
Q 74:7 - cf. Ja. 5:7
S-458 Q 107:4f - cf. Mt. 6:5
A-130 Q 102:1f - cf. Carm. Nisib. 74:97-98 (Ephraem)
161 Q 90:10 - cf. Mt. 7:13-14
180 Q 90:12f - cf. Is. 58:6-7
165 Q 90:18 - cf. Mt. 25:41
182 Q 97:3 - cf. Ps. 84:10
171 Q 68:16 - cf. Rev. 9:4
Q 87:13 - cf. Mk. 9:48; Is. 66:24
Q 95:2 - cf. Testament of Ephraem the Syrian
Q 101:5f - cf. IV Ezra(Apokalypse, p. 144) A-69
171 Q 99:1 - cf. Rev. 6:12-14

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