Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

[160] Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 118 f; Ibn Sa`d, Classes, vol. 1, 1,
pp. 233 f; Tabari, History, vol. 6, pp. 93 f.

[161] Abu Jahl once persuaded someone to place camel intestines (or a
foetus) on Muhammad's back as he prayed at the Kaba, which Fatima removed; Sahih Bukhari, vol. 1, p. 151; vol. 2, p. 295; vol. 5, p. 122; Sahih Muslim, vol. 3, p. 986. In another tradition, Abu Bakr protects Muhammad from a death threat in the Kaba; Guillaume, Muhammad, p. 131; Tabari,
History, vol. 6, p. 102; Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5, pp. 123 f; etc.

[162] Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 121, 135 f; Tabari, History, vol. 6,
p. 101. See also n. 27, above.

[163] E.g. Hamza, see Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 131 f; Tabari, History,
vol. 6, pp. 103 f.

[164] Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 133 f; Tabari, History, vol. 6, p. 106 f.

[165] He was accused of being taught by Musaylima; Guillaume,
Muhammad, p. 134; see also p. 11, n. 40; but this tradition may just have

been an exegetical innovation on the word μ°nz«[= "Rahman." For
Muhammad's later reply to this alleged charge (Qur'an 13:29), see
Guillaume, Muhammad, p. 140.

[166] Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 141 f; Tabari, History, vol. 6, pp. 104 f.
It is reported that Ibn Mas`ud began reciting Qur'an 55:1.

[167] Guillaume, Muhammad, pp. 143 f; Abu Bakr also purchased the
freedom of several slaves, including Bilal; see Guillaume, Muhammad,
p. 144.

[168] Nöldeke and Schwally, GQ, vol. 1, pp. 107 f. Blachère also
considered both suras to be early Meccan; Bell, however, thought sura 112
to be Medinan and refused to date Qur'an 109; see EI², s.v. "Kur'an," pp.
416 f. One interesting feature of sura 112 in the pre-Uthmanic codices is that those of Ibn Masud and Ubayy b. Ka`b do not seem to have had the
opening word "say;" see Jeffery, Materials, pp. 113, 180. It is also probable

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