MATLAB Creating Graphical User Interfaces

(Barry) #1
Customize Tabbing Behavior in a Programmatic UI

'Position',[290 200 130 20]);
sth = uicontrol(fh,'Style','text','String','Select Data',...
'Position',[290 230 60 20]);
ph = uipanel('Parent',fh,'Units','pixels',...
'Position',[290 30 130 150]);
ah = axes('Parent',fh,'Units','pixels',...
'Position',[40 30 220 220]);
bh1 = uicontrol(ph,'Style','pushbutton',...
'String','Contour','Position',[20 20 80 30]);
bh2 = uicontrol(ph,'Style','pushbutton',...
'String','Mesh','Position',[20 60 80 30]);
bh3 = uicontrol(ph,'Style','pushbutton',...
'String','Surf','Position',[20 100 80 30]);

You can obtain the default tab order for a figure, panel, or button group by looking at its
Children property. For the example, this command gets the children of the uipanel, ph.

ch = ph.Children

ch =

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