The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Friendship 261

detail the quality of friendship.Quantity

refers to the number of friends or the size

of the network.Qualityrefers to the nature

of the friendship. Is it close? Is it intimate?

What functions does the friendship serve?

I discuss specific aspects of friendship

such as intimacy, self-disclosure, and con-

flict. After reviewing the different kinds of

friendship, I conclude by using the struc-

tural level of analysis to describe how

friendship changes across the life span.

Network Size

Most studies show that boys and girls have a
similar number of friends (Baines & Blatchford,
2009). However, boys may have larger social
networks compared to girls due to the struc-
tural differences in boys’ play versus girls’
play described in the previous chapter. Girls
are more likely to interact in dyads and to
spend time talking to one another, whereas
boys are more likely to spend time in large
groups that are focused on some activity. In
an observational study of play among 7- and
8-year-olds, boys’ social networks (defined
as children who were seen frequently playing
together) were nearly twice the size of that
of girls’, largely because boys were more likely
than girls to be playing team games (Baines &
Blatchford, 2009). In addition, girls’ primary
social network consisted of friends, whereas
boys’ primary social network consisted of
both friends and non-friends. This differ-
ence may contribute to the greater intimacy
that characterizes girls’ friendships discussed
later in this chapter.
Among adults, some studies show that
women have more friends, some studies
show that men have more friends, and other
studies show no sex difference in number of

closeness: their tendency to self-disclose.

There is also astructural level of analysis

that emphasizes the different positions of

women and men in society. One position

or role in society that men traditionally

have held more than women is the paid

employee role. An example of a structural

level of analysis is the research showing

that men have more cross-sex friendships

than women because men are more likely

than women to work outside the home.

The structural level of analysis also calls

attention to the impact of situational vari-

ables on gender and friendship.

In reviewing research on friendship, I

begin with an examination of the quantity

of friendships and then describe in more

FIGURE 8.1 Batman and Robin are a famous
pair of same-sex friends.

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