The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
262 Chapter 8

women’s friendship that may explain these sex
differences. First, I review the differences and
then I turn to the similarities.

Sex Differences

During childhood, the nature of female and
male friendship becomes increasingly distinct.
By adolescence, girls spend time talking with
their friends, and boys spend time sharing activ-
ities with their friends (McNelles & Connolly,
1999). Boys view friendship as instrumental: A
friend is someone with whom you do things.
Girls view friendship as more emotional: A
friend is someone with whom you connect.
The female emphasis on self-disclosure
and the male emphasis on shared activities
persist in adulthood. Studies of college stu-
dents show that females find more intimacy in
their friendships compared to males, whereas
males find more companionship in their
friendships compared to females (Singleton &
Vacca, 2007). In a study of college students
from the United States and Russia (Sheets &
Lugar, 2005), females shared more personal
information with friends compared to males,
and males shared more activities with friends
compared to females, as shown in Figure 8.2.

friends (Wright, 1999). One reason that it
is difficult to determine if there are sex dif-
ferences in the size of friendship networks
is that theconceptof friend may differ for
women and men. Now, we discuss the nature
of women’s and men’s friendship.


■ It is unlikely that network size differs vastly between
girls and boys or between women and men.
■ It may appear at times that boys have more friends
than girls, because boys play in larger groups than girls.

The Nature of Friendship

Friendship is an area of research where the
differences between females and males are
overemphasized compared to the similarities.
There are numerous ways in which men’s and
women’s friendships are quite similar. Yet it is
true that women’s friendships are closer than
those of men, and friendships with women are
closer than friendships with men. There are
some differences in the nature of men’s and

FIGURE 8.2 Sex differences in sharing intimate information and shared activities appeared for
both U.S. and Russian college students. Females shared more personal information than males, and
males shared more activities with friends than females.
Source: Adapted from Sheets and Lugar (2005).








Shared Activities

United States Russia

Male Female Male Female
United States Russia

Male Female Male Female

Share Intimate Information4.9









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