The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
382 Chapter 10

whereas unmitigated agency is related to risk-taking
behavior. Communion is unrelated to health, but unmiti-
gated communion is related to poor health behavior and
psychological distress, possibly due to nurturant roles.

Symptom Perception

One explanation of why women suffer greater
morbidity compared to men is that women
are more sensitive to changes within their
body. That is, women have a lower threshold
for noticing and reporting symptoms.


There is no hard evidence indicating women
are more able than men to perceive symptoms.
It is important, though difficult, to distinguish
symptom perception from symptom report-
ing. Women may be more likely to report a
symptom once it is perceived. During child-
hood, girls are socialized to report symptoms
and boys are socialized to withhold symptoms.
One area of research aimed at address-
ing symptom perception is pain research.
There are sex differences in pain perception.
The sex differences are most clear in response
to experimentally induced pain. In labora-
tory studies, a pain stimulus is applied to the
respondent at a very low level, and intensity
is gradually increased. These studies tend to
show that women have lower thresholds of
pain, report greater intensity of pain, have
lower tolerance levels for pain, and are bet-
ter able to discriminate different levels of pain
compared to men (Defrin, Shramm, & Eli,
2009; Fillingim et al., 2009). Another piece of
evidence that pain is linked to sex is the fact
that so many pain disorders are more preva-
lent in women than men—fibromyalgia,
rheumatoid arthritis, musculoskeletal pain,
and migraines (Fillingim et al., 2009). Across

and unmitigated communion are important.
When I first became interested in these issues
in my dissertation research, I distinguished
agency from unmitigated agency in a group of
heart attack survivors and found that unmiti-
gated agency was associated with more severe
heart attacks, whereas agency was associated
with less severe heart attacks (Helgeson, 1990).
Since that time, unmitigated agency has been
associated with reckless driving, substance
use, binge eating, psychological distress, and
overall lower levels of well-being (Danoff-Burg
et al., 2006; Ghaed & Gallo, 2006; Yu & Xie,
2008). Although communion is typically un-
related to health, unmitigated communion is
associated with poor health, especially greater
psychological distress, disturbed eating behav-
ior, and poor health behavior (Ghaed & Gallo,
2006; Helgeson & Fritz, 1996, 1998; Helgeson
et al., 2007; Yu & Xie, 2008).


■ When women’s and men’s social roles become more
equal, sex differences in health diminish.
■ One reason for men’s higher mortality rates compared
to women—especially from accidents—is men’s
greater job hazards, greater number of miles driven,
and greater risk-taking behavior. Men take greater risks
during work, driving, and leisure activities. And, risk-
taking behavior is encouraged among males.
■ One reason for women’s greater morbidity rates com-
pared to men is that women are more concerned with
health and more likely to seek the care of a physician.
■ A second reason for women’s greater morbidity rates
compared to men is that women are socialized to take
care of others—or to have nurturant roles. Nurturant
roles lead to exposure to illness, to fatigue, and to taking
care of others instead of the self.
■ Among the gender-related traits, agency is related to
good health behavior and less psychological distress,

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